MHA Summer Camp


MHA Summer Camp 2017 is around the corner, which means it is time to register.  You will notice that this is a single page letter.  That’s because this year we are implementing a new online registration process through CampDocs!  We are super excited about this new process, and hope you find it to be easier. The real benefit of this online process will be in the years to come your profile will automatically load, which means, you won’t have to fill out the same information year after year!

Very simply, you will access the link the below and create an account.  Once in CampDocs, you will be guided through the online registration process.  You can also pay your camper fee using CampDocs.  If you have any questions regarding the online registration process please contact Luke Saulsberry.  If you have any questions regarding the medical aspects of camp including questions regarding medical information that is needed please contact Debbie Nelson. Their contact information is below.

The Camp Committee is once again working hard on making your camper feel welcomed, challenged, and encouraged while at MHA’s Summer Camp. Please make take note:

  1. Camp this year will be held from Monday, July 31st thru Friday, August 4th.
  2. Please have applications in by the deadline of June 23rd.
  3. Camp will once again be held at Lake Doniphan Conference and Retreat Center. Information and directions to Lake Doniphan can be found at
  4. I hope every camper will be able to stay the entire week, however, circumstances arise both medical and behavioral, which may not allow the camper to stay. These decisions are made for the safety of the camper and/or the safety of our other campers. Please ensure there is a parent/guardian who can be contacted and pick up your camper if needed. If this will be a challenge, please let me know to discuss a strategy to ensure your child’s safety.

MHA Summer Camp is a special week for the campers, counselors, and nurses! We hope your camper will have a great time, and gain new experiences while under our care.  Again, if you have questions please feel free to contact us!

Luke Saulsberry
Email –  Phone – 402-274-8002

Debbie Nelson
Email –                   Phone – 816-302-6854

Date(s) - July 31 2017 until August 4 2017 at All Day

Lake Doniphan and Retreat Center
