Missouri Advocacy Training Dinner

MHA GHA Advocacy Training Dinner

Capitol Plaza Hotel
415 W. McCarty Street Jefferson City, MO 65101

6:30 p.m.

Learn effective grassroots advocacy techniques! With a united voice we can raise public awareness of bleeding disorders and shape public policy that improves the quality of life for all. Your voice and our mission are linked together. Our success as a grassroots organization depends on your advocacy.

GHA is handling the reservations.  RSVP to info@gatewayhemophilia.org or (314) 482-5973,  Advocacy Day Flyer

Advocacy Training: “Sharing Your Story”

Teen Advocacy Training: “Making a Positive Impression”

The teens will learn about the importance of personal advocacy through a variety of situational discussions. Consider how and when to set boundaries and say ‘No’ as well as advocating for your health at school, at your HTC, and throughout life in general.

Date(s) - February 28 2018 at 6:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Capitol Plaza Hotel

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